Emerging Technologies

Remington Brown
4 min readOct 27, 2020

I have two things to talk about today that deals with emerging technologies. However, it doesn’t really sound like emergingy technolgoy. I mean the first one ever made was in 1896 by a person named Gottlieb Daimler. He invented the first-ever pickup truck. It had 4 horsepower because of its 1-liter two-cylinder engine. Now any truck that has less than 300 horsepower sounds weak. The two things that I want to talk about today are new electric trucks that are coming soon because they are game changers. They are revolutionizing the way trucks should be made and they are setting a new standard for specs.

The first truck is the Tesla’s Cybertruck which looks and sounds like something out of the most basic futuristic movie ever. It seriously doesn’t look like something we should be driving until at least 2050 but its coming out anyway. There are three different models to buy: the Single Motor RWD, the Dual Motor AWD and the Tri Motor AWD. Yes that is right there are three different motors in it. The Single Motor starts at $39,900, the Dual Motor is $49,900 and the Tri Motor starts at $69,900. Plus you can spend another $8,000 on it to get the full-self driving package. Let’s talk about the Tri Motor for a little bit because it is impressive. It is expected to drive over 500 miles and it can tow over 14,000 pounds but this isn’t what makes it impressive. What makes it impressive is that it goes 0–60 in less than 2.9 seconds. That’s just as fast as the 2020 Chevy Corvette Z51 which goes 0–60 in 2.8 seconds. One thing that Tesla is proud of is the Cybertrucks exoskeleton. They created an exterior shell which they call “nearly impenetrable” which helps with passenger safety and eliminates bumps and scratches because it is stainless steel.

Photo taken from tesla.com
Photo taken from tesla.com

The second truck that I want to talk about is the brand new Hummer EV. It sounds weird to say that I like the new Hummer because I have never used the words “like” and “Hummer” in the same sentence. However, the new Hummer EV is an absolute beast and it kind of looks like the vehicle in the video game Halo. What is does differently than other trucks, besides being electric with 1,000 horsepower and 11,500 LB-FT of torque while going 0–60 in about 3 seconds, which all sound like typos but they aren’t, is that it has an extract mode. With a push of a button you can lift the truck up by six inches. Also, all four wheels turn so you can move diagonally because why not? Another cool feature is that you can charge about 100 miles in 10 minutes. Gone are the days of waiting around forever until your electric car can drive again (even though I never personally had to deal with that). Some other sweet features the Hummer offers is the Infinity Roof and the Ultravision. The Infinity Roof is basically just a couple of sky panels that you can take off to make it a convertable. The Ultravision is a bunch of cameras placed under your truck so you can see what you are driving over when you are offroading. Unlike the Cybertruck, the Hummer EV only comes with 3 motors but it comes with a heftier price of $112,595 and the reservations to buy them are already full.

Photo taken from gmc.com
Photo taken from gmc.com

These trucks look completely different but they both have a few similarities. They both have 3 electric motors, an absurd amount of speed and a pretty high price tag. However, the thing they share the most is that they have a lot of courage. These trucks are paving the future and they are doing it quickly. As a society we need to take care of our environment and one way to do that is by using less fossil fuels and these new trucks are showing that we can do this. These electric trucks are already showing that there is an upside to switching over to them and the proof is in the specs. These trucks are lightyears better than any gasoline or diesel trucks that are coming out now and they will only get better.

